Join the RHL Collective

Your $47 monthly membership in the RHL Collective provides access to our services and practitioners while arming you with the support and knowledge to heal your metabolism, regain your energy and libido, sleep deeper, and ditch the bloat and excess fat required to thrive in your forties and beyond.

Membership Benefits:

  • Do you crave community? Our group coaching calls provide education and training, while allowing you to ask questions and engage with like-minded women.

  • Desire to learn at your own pace and from the comfort of your home? Our virtual workshops, guides and self-paced courses provide you the education you need to restore your metabolism, have a healthy period, and thrive during the hormone changes that often begin in a woman in her forties.

  • Do you need structure or simply like to be inspired? In addition to our own favorites, the RHL team collaborates with select, like-minded experts to produce frequently updated posts on what we think are the best of the best.

  • Even if you can afford regular 1:1 consults with your practitioner, the RHL Collective is designed to help you get quick answers to quik questions - usually the same day.

  • Membership in the Collective allows you to book 45-minute appointments with our board-certified practitioners:

    Nurse Practitioner: $250

    Lead Practitioner: $200

    Other Practitioners: $150

  • Some form of diagnostic testing (e.g., blood panels, GI maps, HTMA and DUTCH testing) is typically required at the beginning of every 1:1 treatment plan. But depending on your symptoms, health, preferences, and finances, RHL practitioners will make their recommendations and then let you choose.

    Bloodwork costs range from $100 to $300, depending on how many panels are requested (e.g., ranging from hormone to metabolic to thyroid to comprehensive).

Add Hormone Replacement Therapy

RHL Collective members can add bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) for $83 per month.